Newton-Conover Wins 2-A Men's Tennis State Championship

05/23/2010 12:02

The Newton-Conover Red Devils defeated Northwood 5-0 to claim the 2-A men's tennis state title on Saturday, May 22nd at the Burlington Tennis Center.   The Red Devils, coached by Brian Tate, finished the year with a record of 26-0.    The Chargers, making their first appearance in the state finals and coached by Joe Kiertekles, completed the season at 15-7.     This was Newton-Conover's first dual team state championship.  The Red Devils have finished second three times.
Will Huggins (NC) leading Trevor Cox (N) 6-2, 6-6 (3-3), did not finish when match was decided
Hang Lak Choi (NC) d. Thomas Delafield (N) 6-1, 6-2
Ryan Lampe (NC) d. Frederico DeMichele (N) 6-1, 6-1
John Reid (NC) d. Christian Manhard (N) 6-1, 6-4
Dillon Cervantez (NC) d. Jacky Dufour (N) 6-2, 6-2
Austin Adams (NC) d. Ryan Smith (N ) 6-1, 6-0


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