New Coach at Watauga Welcomes 10 Out for 2015 Season

08/19/2015 17:27

Watauga High School's new coach Carol Almond, a member of the Appalachian State University Basketball Hall of Fame, has 10 players on her 2015 squad, including three seniors, one junior, five sophomores, and one freshman.

"Practice is off to a great start, and the players are motivated to do well.   We had a great intra-squad match at the end of week two," said Almond.

Watauga has eight returnees among its 10 players.  "We have concentrated on establishing consistent rallies and shot placement.  We will have doubles practices on Tuesdays and continue to work on singles play and strategies.  We are also determined to work to improve on overhead serves," said Coach Almond.

Almond continued, "We have a young team overall; however, we have three seniors that have already made great contributions in the leadership department.  We hope to compete for the top spot in the Northwestern Conference.   Improvement is our number one priority, along with having a fun season."



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